Fee Download Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D.
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Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D.
Fee Download Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D.
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In Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, authors Philip M. Coons, M.D., and Elizabeth S. Bowman, M.D., paint a fascinating, compelling, and vibrant portrait of the history of psychiatry in Indiana from its beginnings when Indiana was a territory up through present day, relying on meticulous research and personal anecdotes from former psychiatric employees of Indiana's mental health facilities for their intriguing exploration. Psychiatry in Indiana gives a brief history of psychiatry in the United States and describes the plight of Indiana's mentally ill who were hidden away in poorhouses and jails during the first half of the nineteenth century. The authors trace the history of Indiana's public mental hospitals and state developmental centers during the next 125 years, discussing private psychiatric hospitals, child psychiatry, correctional psychiatry, the move towards community mental health centers, and child psychiatry. They also explore the rich history of the Indiana Psychiatric Society and the Department of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine. Descriptions of notable psychiatrists, landmark legal cases, and famous patients are sure to intrigue anyone with a professional or local interest in Psychiatry in Indiana.
- Sales Rank: #3612405 in Books
- Published on: 2010-11-18
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.02" h x .67" w x 5.98" l, .96 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 296 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good History
By Manteno
Not much written on state hospitals in Indiana other then the usual ghost hunting books, this one actually has the history of many of the mental health facilities in Indiana.
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. PDF
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. EPub
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. Doc
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. iBooks
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. rtf
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. Mobipocket
Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years, by Philip M. Coons M.D., Elizabeth S. Bowman M.D. Kindle
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